GA4GH Best Practices Library

Best Practices library

The GA4GH Community has developed a list of recommended practices to foster an inclusive working environment. These practices aim to promote global and diverse participation within GA4GH Work Streams and activities, enabling the development of universally applicable standards.
Each card contains a best practice, an explanation of when to apply it, and relevant resources to assist with implementation. We encourage all GA4GH community members to review and apply these best practices within their working groups. Click on the cards to expand them for more information.

Best Practices submission form

Is there a best practice you use in your Work Stream that isn’t in our library? Please fill out the form below. GA4GH staff will review your submission and, upon approval, add it to the library.
Have a suggestion for a best practice that hasn’t been implemented within GA4GH yet? We would love to hear about it! Please fill out the form below to submit your suggestions. Afterwards, we will invite the community to test the practice and report on its impact.