GIF “Ask Me Anything” (AMA) programmes

The GIF AMA programme is a series of events and resources that bring GA4GH product teams and current and future implementers together to discuss product implementation questions and challenges.

Connecting potential implementers of GA4GH products with experts

GA4GH product implementers have expressed challenges around connecting with the experts who have developed or successfully adopted GA4GH products. They struggle to find the right person to ask the right question. While some communities have active channels for supporting implementers, such as Slack or GitHub, there remains a gap for enabling real-time communications without burdening people with more meetings. Having dedicated space and time to dive into implementation questions can help clarify technical understanding and unblock implementation progress.

Taking inspiration from the popular informal communication format where experts answer questions from community members in real time, GIF hosts “Ask Me Anything” events, known informally as an “AMA.” The aim of the program is to reinvigorate attendance at and attract new members to existing GA4GH meetings, and to provide an engaging and interactive format to connect current and potential implementers with experts.

What does the GIF AMA program include?

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GIF AMA events

GIF AMA events are interactive, virtual events focused on a GA4GH product and how it can be implemented. During an event, current and potential implementers have the opportunity to ask experts questions related to adopting these standards in their unique contexts. The primary goals of the GIF AMA events are to facilitate the exchange of practical knowledge, support collaborative learning, and create an inclusive space for networking and shared expertise. GIF AMA events take place at pre-existing GA4GH Work Stream and Community meetings and are hosted by the GIF Leads.

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GIF AMA resources

To ensure that the content of the GIF AMA event can be made more broadly available to the community, a resource document will be produced from each session. The resource will include slides, a summary of the questions and answers discussed, a link to the recording of the event, sample code, and contact details.

Explore GIF AMA resources

View resource documents produced from past GIF AMA events.