GA4GH Implementation Forum

Diverse scientific and clinical groups meet in the GA4GH Implementation Forum (GIF), from rare disease research teams to national initiatives stewarding thousands of human genomes. They find ways that GA4GH products can solve real-world problems.

Empowering science through interoperability

The GA4GH Implementation Forum (GIF) drives GA4GH product implementations within scientific, clinical, and industry domains. GIF aims to facilitate the adoption of GA4GH products, ensure interoperability across all axes, and promote best practices in such a way that GA4GH solutions can solve real-world problems.

GIF’s mission rests on three core pillars: implementation, interoperability, and inclusivity. Through community building and collaboration, GIF endeavors to bring the value and benefits of GA4GH products to a wider audience. By considering diverse requirements and available resources, GIF aims to lower the barriers to implementing GA4GH standards in the spirit of building networks of knowledge instead of silos of expertise.

GIF's mission rests on three pillars: Implementation, Interoperability, and Inclusivity.

GIF initiatives

To support organisations in adopting GA4GH standards, GIF supports two initiatives: GIF Projects and GIF Ask Me Anything (AMA) programmes. More information on these initiatives can be found below.

GIF Projects

GIF Projects are community-led initiatives designed to tackle challenges in genomic data interoperability by implementing one or more GA4GH products. GA4GH support mechanisms are available to ensure success.

GIF "Ask Me Anything" (AMA) programmes

The GIF AMA programme is a series of events and resources that bring GA4GH product teams and current and future implementers together to discuss implementation questions and challenges.


Want to implement GA4GH products now?

See our customisable and out-of-the-box tools for developers around the globe.

Implementation examples

Learn how other organisations have implemented GA4GH products to solve real-world problems.

Developer resources

Explore our customisable and out-of-the-box solutions to help you get started.

Have a question?

If you have any questions, please reach out to GIF manager Neerjah Skantharajah.