What we do

GA4GH frames policy and builds standards to meet the real-world needs of the global genomics and health community.

First, we define the need.

Study Groups

Study Groups define a specific need in the genomics and health community, survey the landscape, and determine whether GA4GH can help.

Then, we create standards and policy tools.

Work Streams

Community experts develop technical standards and regulatory and ethical tools that overcome barriers to responsible data sharing in genomics and health. 

Finally, we help implement our products in the real world — and uncover new needs.

GA4GH Implementation Forum

Implementers across the community pilot GA4GH products to solve real problems. They come together to troubleshoot, suggest updates, and flag new needs.

National Initiatives Forum

National programmes focused on advancing genomics at scale meet to share best practices, avoid incompatibilities, and help translate genomics into health systems. 

Communities of Interest

Members convene around topics such as rare disease, cancer, and infectious disease. They find challenges and opportunities for better data use in the real world.

Our community is involved at every step of the process.

Organisational Members

More than 500 organisations connected to genomics — across healthcare, research, patient advocacy, industry, and beyond — have signed onto the mission and vision of GA4GH.

Driver Projects

Two dozen Organisational Members that lead genomic data initiatives have committed resources to guiding GA4GH product development and piloting our tools. 

Individual Contributors

Anyone working in genomics and related fields is invited to participate in our inclusive community by creating and using new products.

Strategic Partners

Some Organisational Members whose networks or infrastructure align with GA4GH priorities have made a long-term commitment to engaging with our community.

Assigned Experts

Local and national organisations assign an expert to spend at least 30% of their time building GA4GH products.

How we work

...and here's what we do.

Define needs

Study Groups

Find challenges and opportunities in cancer, rare disease, large-scale genomics, and more
Create standards and policy frameworks

Work Streams

Implement products to solve problems

GA4GH Implementation Forum

To support our work, we rely on advisors...

Funders Forum

The Funders Forum brings together several types of organisations to offer both financial support and strategic guidance.

GA4GH Inc. Board of Directors

Nine Directors govern the not-for-profit organisation GA4GH Inc., which serves as the legal entity for GA4GH.

Product Steering Committee

The Product Steering Committee oversees the Product Development and Approval Process, which all GA4GH standards, tools, and frameworks must pass through to be officially adopted.

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Advisory Group

The EDI Advisory Group responds to issues raised in the GA4GH community, finding equitable, inclusive ways to bring diverse ideas into product development.

...and follow guiding principles and procedures.

Framework for responsible data sharing

The GA4GH Framework for Responsible Sharing of Genomic and Health-Related Data gives foundational principles for responsible data sharing.


Founded on the GA4GH Framework, the Constitution sets forth the mission, objectives, and structure of GA4GH. All Organisational Members must agree to it.

Code of Ethics and Community Conduct (CECC)

The CECC aims to ensure that all contributors promote our mission and maintain a professional, respectful environment during GA4GH work.

Product Development and Approval Process

All GA4GH standards and frameworks are assessed by a Product Review Committee and the two foundational Work Streams (Data Security and Regulatory & Ethics).

Copyright Policy

The Copyright Policy encourages institutions and individuals to collaborate on standards development with clear expectations, following the GA4GH mission.

Work Stream Best Practices

Developed by the GA4GH community, the Work Stream Best Practices library is a dynamic resource that provides essential guidance for fostering an inclusive working environment. It aims to promote diverse participation and build a culture of collaboration.