Pan-Canadian Genome Library (PCGL)

Unlocking the potential of genomic data for Canada’s future

The Pan-Canadian Genome Library (PCGL) aims to establish a framework for Canada’s management and sharing of human genomic data. The PCGL builds upon Canadian-made foundational components and datasets, utilising international standards to unify Canada’s human genome sequencing efforts while also respecting limitations on the jurisdictional movement of human genetic data. 

The initiative has four main goals:

  • facilitate seamless access and analysis of genomes sequenced in Canada, propelling advancements in genomic science and personalised medicine;
  • champion equity, diversity, and inclusion — ensuring equitable access to genomic advances for all Canadians;
  • enhance the efficiency and precision of healthcare delivery and personalised treatments;
  • position Canada as a vanguard in international genomic research endeavours. 

PCGL is funded by the Canadian Institute for Health Research (CIHR).

Image summary: Infographic outlining the goals of the Pan-Canadian Genome Library
Pan-Canadian Genome Library (PCGL) information
Driver Project Website