NHLBI BioData Catalyst® (BDC)

Offers data, tools, apps, and workflows to share, store, and compute on datasets

NHLBI BioData Catalyst® (BDC) is a cloud-based ecosystem offering data, analytical tools, applications, and workflows in secure workspaces. Researchers find, access, share, store, and compute on hosted data or data they bring. By increasing access to data and innovative analytic capabilities, BDC accelerates reproducible biomedical research, driving scientific advances to help prevent, diagnose, and treat heart, lung, blood, and sleep disorders.

BioData Catalyst is funded by the US National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI).

NHLBI BioData Catalyst® (BDC) information
Driver Project Website
United States
Thematic Area
  • Regina Bures
  • Ashok Krishnamurthy
  • Michele Mattioni
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NHLBI BioData Catalyst® (BDC)

BDC is a cloud-based ecosystem providing tools, applications, and workflows in secure workspaces that increases access to U.S. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) funded datasets and innovative data analysis capabilities.