About us
Learn how GA4GH helps expand responsible genomic data use to benefit human health.
Learn how GA4GH helps expand responsible genomic data use to benefit human health.
Our Strategic Road Map defines strategies, standards, and policy frameworks to support responsible global use of genomic and related health data.
Discover how a meeting of 50 leaders in genomics and medicine led to an alliance uniting more than 5,000 individuals and organisations to benefit human health.
GA4GH Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation that supports the global GA4GH community.
The GA4GH Council, consisting of the Executive Committee, Strategic Leadership Committee, and Product Steering Committee, guides our collaborative, globe-spanning alliance.
The Funders Forum brings together organisations that offer both financial support and strategic guidance.
The EDI Advisory Group responds to issues raised in the GA4GH community, finding equitable, inclusive ways to build products that benefit diverse groups.
Distributed across a number of Host Institutions, our staff team supports the mission and operations of GA4GH.
Curious who we are? Meet the people and organisations across six continents who make up GA4GH.
More than 500 organisations connected to genomics — in healthcare, research, patient advocacy, industry, and beyond — have signed onto the mission and vision of GA4GH as Organisational Members.
These core Organisational Members are genomic data initiatives that have committed resources to guide GA4GH work and pilot our products.
This subset of Organisational Members whose networks or infrastructure align with GA4GH priorities has made a long-term commitment to engaging with our community.
Local and national organisations assign experts to spend at least 30% of their time building GA4GH products.
Anyone working in genomics and related fields is invited to participate in our inclusive community by creating and using new products.
Wondering what GA4GH does? Learn how we find and overcome challenges to expanding responsible genomic data use for the benefit of human health.
Study Groups define needs. Participants survey the landscape of the genomics and health community and determine whether GA4GH can help.
Work Streams create products. Community members join together to develop technical standards, policy frameworks, and policy tools that overcome hurdles to international genomic data use.
GIF solves problems. Organisations in the forum pilot GA4GH products in real-world situations. Along the way, they troubleshoot products, suggest updates, and flag additional needs.
GIF Projects are community-led initiatives that put GA4GH products into practice in real-world scenarios.
The GIF AMA programme produces events and resources to address implementation questions and challenges.
NIF finds challenges and opportunities in genomics at a global scale. National programmes meet to share best practices, avoid incompatabilities, and help translate genomics into benefits for human health.
Communities of Interest find challenges and opportunities in areas such as rare disease, cancer, and infectious disease. Participants pinpoint real-world problems that would benefit from broad data use.
The Technical Alignment Subcommittee (TASC) supports harmonisation, interoperability, and technical alignment across GA4GH products.
Find out what’s happening with up to the minute meeting schedules for the GA4GH community.
See all our products — always free and open-source. Do you work on cloud genomics, data discovery, user access, data security or regulatory policy and ethics? Need to represent genomic, phenotypic, or clinical data? We’ve got a solution for you.
All GA4GH standards, frameworks, and tools follow the Product Development and Approval Process before being officially adopted.
Learn how other organisations have implemented GA4GH products to solve real-world problems.
Help us transform the future of genomic data use! See how GA4GH can benefit you — whether you’re using our products, writing our standards, subscribing to a newsletter, or more.
Join our community! Explore opportunities to participate in or lead GA4GH activities.
Help create new global standards and frameworks for responsible genomic data use.
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Want to advance both your career and responsible genomic data sharing at the same time? See our open leadership opportunities.
Join our international team and help us advance genomic data use for the benefit of human health.
Discover current opportunities to engage with GA4GH. Share feedback on our products, apply for volunteer leadership roles, and contribute your expertise to shape the future of genomic data sharing.
Solve real problems by aligning your organisation with the world’s genomics standards. We offer software dvelopers both customisable and out-of-the-box solutions to help you get started.
Learn more about upcoming GA4GH events. See reports and recordings from our past events.
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Listen to our podcast OmicsXchange, featuring discussions from leaders in the world of genomics, health, and data sharing.
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View the latest GA4GH updates, Genomics and Health News, Implementation Notes, GDPR Briefs, and more.
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Formed in 2013, the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (GA4GH) unites an international community dedicated to accelerating the potential of research and medicine to benefit human health through genomic data. It brings together 500+ leading organisations working in healthcare, research, patient advocacy, life science, and information technology.
The GA4GH community collaborates to create technical standards, policy frameworks, and policy tools to enable the responsible, broad, and democratised use of genomic and related health data. We develop free, open-source products that make it simple and safe to request, access, and study genomic and health data stored anywhere. In addition, GA4GH products help organisations become effective data stewards. All of our work builds upon the Framework for responsible sharing of genomic and health-related data, which takes a human rights approach to data sharing.
GA4GH is a growing and global community where participants choose to work together. In that process we encounter differences in language, geography, culture, nationality, and experience. In such a diverse environment, misunderstandings and disagreements happen, which in most cases can be resolved informally. When the issue cannot be resolved informally, we will use this document instead.
The GA4GH Code of Ethics and Community Conduct aims to define and promote high standards of professional practice. The goals of this Code are to:
The purpose of these standards are to ensure that all contributors to GA4GH promote the mission of the GA4GH and maintain a professional and respectful environment. The document applies to all activities of, and interactions between, those contributors involved in GA4GH, whether inside or outside the scope of GA4GH activities.
The GA4GH Code of Ethics and Community Conduct aims to define expected behaviours and to promote high standards of professional practice. GA4GH strictly prohibits discrimination, intimidation, harassment, and bullying of any kind and on any basis. This commitment calls for a safe, welcoming community in which participants at all levels can do their best work and behave according to this Code of Ethics and Community Conduct.
GA4GH is committed to maintaining a positive working environment for which we all share responsibility. Each person you interact with is unique, and behaviour must be assessed on an individual level. Ensuring that your behaviour does not have a negative impact is your responsibility. GA4GH expects all of its participants to adhere to the expected behaviours stated below. In turn, this document will help ensure accountability, allow us to address unacceptable behaviour, and provide redress where incidents/unaccepted behaviours are observed and reported. GA4GH also expects participants to avoid the unacceptable behaviours listed below; failure to do so may be seen as a violation of the Code of Ethics and Community Conduct, and result in the consequences listed in section VI.
The Code of Ethics and Community Conduct applies to any member of the GA4GH community, including but not limited to staff, members, invited experts, and participants in all GA4GH activities. These activities include, but are not limited to, virtual and in-person meetings, functions, conferences, mailing lists, code repositories, Slack channels, and social platforms. GA4GH membership and/or participation in GA4GH virtual and in-person meetings, conferences, and events constitutes an agreement to adhere to the Code of Ethics and Community Conduct.
These policies also cover participant conduct in all professional and educational settings and related environments, even if those settings/environments are not affiliated with GA4GH. These may include, but are not limited to:
Violation of other GA4GH policies, such as those listed below, may potentially violate the GA4GH Code of Ethics and Community Conduct:
Note that this Code complements, rather than replaces, any other applicable policy, agreement, legal right, or obligation for any member of the GA4GH community.
All participants in GA4GH should adhere to the following behaviours at all times. The GA4GH guidelines for respectful engagement provides a detailed description of the background, context, and nature of expected conduct. Non-adherence can be reported and may potentially result in the consequences described in section VI of this Code.
Members and participants in all professional, social, and educational settings covered by the Code of Ethics and Community Conduct shall:
Behaviours that are prohibited and which may result in consequences when a violation of the Code of Ethics and Community Conduct is found include, but are not limited to:
Any GA4GH member or anyone participating in a GA4GH-sponsored or hosted event or activity can report harmful behaviour or a potential violation of this Code via the reporting form, to the external Safe GA4GH Officer Paula Brantner, or in person or by email to any member of the Safe GA4GH Committee (SGC):
When responding to a report, GA4GH will prioritise respecting each person’s safety and confidentiality while also protecting the GA4GH environment. GA4GH has contracted with an external Safe GA4GH Officer to offer confidential reporting to GA4GH participants who feel uncomfortable making an internal complaint. The reporting party’s identity will be kept confidential if they so wish, until and unless there comes a time that disclosure is needed to address the problem, and they agree to the disclosure of their identity.
There is no absolute deadline or statute of limitations for reporting potential violations to GA4GH (including for violations that occurred prior to the establishment of this Code). Reporting parties are encouraged to come forward at any time so that any harm to reporting parties may be addressed and that a safe and inclusive environment for all members can be maintained.
GA4GH will ensure the timely investigation of reported allegations. A report initiated in writing to the Safe GA4GH Officer will be acknowledged and reviewed in a timely manner. At the reporting party’s request and if appropriate, the Safe GA4GH Officer will initiate a preliminary investigation and will recommend to the SGC whether to continue with a full investigation.
Consequences for a violation of the Code may include, but are not limited to:
Procedures for reviewing cases of potential violations by members and participants will follow those outlined in the current version of the Procedures for reviewing reported violations of the Code of Ethics and Community Conduct.
The GA4GH Code of Ethics and Community Conduct was inspired by the W3C Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.
An early draft was put forward for open comment by the GA4GH community, which was then further refined by Paula Brantner of Accountability Ignited (PB Work Solutions).
This Code of Ethics and Community Conduct is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 licence.
Read and download past versions of this code.